Friday, 13 December 2013


For FYP sem 1, I need to submit the first three chapter of my FYP Report. The first chapter is Introduction. Below shows the contents needed in this chapter:

1.1 Introduction of chapter

1.2 Project Background

1.3 Project Statement

1.4 Objective

1.5 Scope of Project / Limitation

1.6 Summary of Chapter

The second chapter is Literature Review. The second chapter contents are:

2.1 History 

     2.1.1 Previous Work      

     2.1.2 Present Work

2.2 Review of History

2.3 Summary

Third chapter is Methodology and below are the contents needed:

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Block Diagram

      3.2.1 Explanation

3.3 Hardware & Development

3.4 Summary

All the chapter above are still in process of making and will be submitted in this semester.

Thursday, 5 December 2013


Subject Progress Report (September 9 until December 20, 2013) Development of Electrical Energy Meter Monitoring System with Mobile Network Integration.


The main goal of this engineering project is to read the electric meter current using mobile phone through Global System Mobile (GSM). In another word, it is to know the day-to-day use of electricity and to curb the problem forgotten symptom.

Work Complete from September 9 until December 20, 2013:

I have done many researches for my Final Year Project. After discussing on the nature of the project and the objectives, I have come an understanding about the project. So the work plan had been create to guide the whole project progress.I try to do the progress of my progress as much as I could do. I have plan very details about work and task I need to do later on. I have planned to find out how the Global System Mobile (GSM) is working. In addition, I have to make some research how do the PIC and GSM are interfaced in order to get the constant and best result. From now, I have learned basic technique that I can apply in my project.


There are several scopes of work for this project: is a combination of hardware and software development. The hardware Development of Electrical Energy Meter Monitoring System with Mobile Network Integration includes electronics component and external component such as energy power meter, GSM modem, mobile phone and etc. Electrical Energy Meter Monitoring System with Mobile Network Integration is very useful in the application which applied new technology that can save cost of electricity provider and giving actual billing rate to customer rather than estimate value based on previous consumption.